Frank Michael Zimmerman

Frank Michael Zimmerman

Frank Michael Zimmerman

June 13, 1946~December 31, 2024

Mike Zimmerman, age 78, of Hudson, Florida, entered the presence of his Lord and Savior on December 31, 2024. Born on June 13, 1946 in Burns, OR, Mike lived a life filled with faith, family, and service.

Mike earned a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from LeTourneau College in Texas and later completed his MBA. After college, he joined the U.S. Navy as a pilot, earning his Naval Aviator wings in 1970. Over eight years as a carrier pilot, he served aboard the USS Lexington, Intrepid, and Independence, flying aircraft such as the T-34, T-28, S-2, T-2, and P-3. Grateful for the opportunity to serve and fly, Mike was thankful the Navy allowed him to fly their airplanes for free.
Mike left active duty to focus on his roles as a devoted husband and father, and in 1983, joined the Navy Reserve until his retirement in 1997. Mike was an active member of multiple flying clubs, and continued to fly privately for the rest of his life. For 14 years, he volunteered with Agape Flights in Venice, Florida, an organization supporting missionary work in the Caribbean, combining his passion for aviation with his commitment to helping others.
Diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2017, Mike defied doctors expectations with his unwavering faith, strength and positivity. He used his journey with cancer as an opportunity to share his deep love for the Lord, sharing his faith with all that would listen.
Mike is survived by his beloved wife of 55 years and best friend, Sherry; his son, Chris (Katie) of Minnesota; his “favorite daughter”, Kim; and his cherished dog, Charlie. He also leaves behind five grandchildren who brought him immense joy: Taylor, Gabe, Ryan, Shelby, and Lily.
A celebration of Mike’s remarkable life will be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. at Blessed Hope Church in Hudson, Florida. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Agape Flights or Blessed Hope Church in Mike’s honor, continuing his legacy of service and generosity.
Blessed Hope Church
8806 Casper Avenue
Hudson, Florida 34667
Agape Flights
100 Airport Avenue East
Venice Florida 34285

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Memories of Frank Michael Zimmerman




January 3, 2025, 8:03 pm

Uncle Mike was such a blessing to us as he would come to care for Dad (his little brother) to offer respite for Mom. I always enjoyed whatever new contraption he would engineer to make things easier for Dad or Mom; his engineer brain was truly a marvel! I will forever think of him when I see Breyer’s coffee ice cream, Krispy Kreme, and when I hear some use “me/I” incorrectly at the end of a sentence.

Susan Quigley

January 3, 2025, 10:17 pm

On behalf of my children, Karen in Australia, Jen in Colorado and Jason in Texas, Uncle Mike was always so much fun. He would tease the girls and he let Jason fly when they were up in his plane. Many great memories of a great guy!
From Sherrys sister Susan in
New Port Richey

Susan Quigley

January 3, 2025, 10:27 pm

Dear Mike, I will miss our banter. I will miss your laugh. But most of all seeing the example you set of a godly husband. I will always be thankful for your care of our parents in their senior years and dying days!
I will miss our talks of the end times, the rapture, and heaven! I am so thankful you are there now. It brings me comfort , and knowing I will be with you again . I am here for Sherry now . Love Susan

Shelly Staley

January 3, 2025, 11:48 pm

The first people we made friends with: Mike & Sherry. We wouldnt be at the Word of Life if not for them. And what a wonderful example of a Godly marriage! We had him for 2 years and enjoyed our time spent with him from the bantoring to the buck two eighty nine. He was there with me when I fractured my ankle and made me comfortable in his home until Billy got home. We loved him dearly and will carry his light with us until we see him in glory, with Jesus Christ

Pam Nungesser

January 4, 2025, 12:25 am

It’s with tears that I send this. Happy for him and sad for all of us! Mike was such a dear family friend to us. He was like a second dad for our three girls and taught us to eat coffee ice cream. I would always think of him whenever I saw or bought it! We ate it in his honor !!
His legacy is great and we praise God for such a faithful loving servant hearted friend who loved Jesus and his family and many others.
May God put his loving arms around you all in this terribly difficult time. Cherish the memories as we do and we will all see him again in Glory!
Grateful to have known him for over 40 years and we all had great fun happy times with him
Love to you all ,
Paul and Pam Nungesser
Christy Marcee and Lori

Maurine zimmerman chesley

January 4, 2025, 12:56 am

I’m Michael’s “favorite” and only sister. His being just 12 when I left for out -of -state college l missed a lot of both brothers childhood. Michael & I reconnected during our parents divorce in 1967. He truly stepped into the role of being my big brother at crucial times in my life. We both were diagnosed with multiple myloma in 2017.
Our journeys have been very different but he continued to be supportive – i will miss his faithful birthday calls – his always sharing a memory with me – there’s now no one who knows my childhood and premarried days. I loved & appreciated him deeply – no one can take his place. Maurine zimmerman chesley.

Bonita Therrien

January 4, 2025, 1:00 am

I was well welcomed by him and his fun teasing always trying to get a rise out of me the very 1st day I met him.
I could tell he was a great hearted man.
I am so very sorry for the sudden lose. I praise n Thank God I got to have met him. I am sure he will be missed by many until we all reunite with him in Glory land.
Much love to you all,
Bonita # 144

Sandee-sister in law

January 4, 2025, 2:43 am

Mike, I hope there’s a yellow airplane up in heaven waiting for you! I cannot comprehend the mysteries of it all but I know you are secure and happy filled with gratitude for God’s salvation by the Cross of Jesus. Bet you’re joining in with the angels singing “Glory to God in the highest.” I know that was your desire. We want you here and will miss you but you’re better there. My sister was lucky to have a wonderful husband for 56 years! We’ll take care of her…

William Staley

January 4, 2025, 1:47 pm

I can’t think of anyone more incredible than Mike, who walked into my life and guided me onto the right path. He embodies everything it means to be a man: steady, hardworking, skilled, patient, and kind, among many other positive qualities. I feel so fortunate to have had him in my life. It saddens me to know I will no longer have the opportunity to share in his witty conversations, his dry humor, and our God-led discussions. I will remember him fondly every day, always striving to remain centered and act appropriately because of the example he set. I thank God for allowing me to be true friends with such an exceptional person.

Timothy V Arimond

January 4, 2025, 4:10 pm

Sherry, Chris & Kim,

Thank you to who ever sent the SMS to me on Mike’s Passing. I had not heard from him in awhile and suffering from my own problems had not reached out to him the way I should have. I am very sorry for this. I hope all of you and yours are doing well. I wonder if there will be a video (or Zoom) of the service? I cannot get down there as Anne is going in for surgery on the 6th and I need to stay close to home to take care of her. I will always remember the Surgidev days and our Flying time together! there were always good lunch meetings we had when you came to MN for the summer as well. Our periodic phone calls called for good memories and funny stories. He will be missed greatly. Anne and I talking about spending some winter time next year down in your area. If you are going to drop Mike’s Cell number just call when you can to give us yours. We would enjoy looking you up and sharing some memories. I would also like to hear about Mike’s last events as my Brother is going through the same thing at present.
Love and Prayers to you all,
Tim & Anne Arimond

Bob Cook

January 4, 2025, 10:02 pm

Hi Sherry- and to your family.. You and I have never met, but I knew Mike at LeTourneau University when he was a student and I was also his coach! Honestly, I had a crew cut and looked as young as he did! I say that, as since that time, as an older man than Mike I had many times to reflect on my players and all of those involved in the intramural sports program and the battles of LeTourneau versions of fraternities. Bottom line, Mike had an air about himself that demanded respect of others and an appreciation of the person one could see he could become one day. Reading his obituary has reinforced the things I though about, and felt toward Mike came true in his lifetime. I cherished knowing him and at times through Joe Nowiczewski I was kept abreast of his life. The great thing is that the God who guides us today, sees tomorrow more clearly than we saw yesterday. We have all been blessed by his life.. Bob

Steven and Lea Bohlen WOL #206

January 5, 2025, 2:18 am

I met Mike almost 3 years ago at WOL.
Today i remember him as a long time dear friend. I so enjoyed his dry but extremely witty humor. He would always stop by with his red golf cart to visit and shared the word of christ. He would frequently share with my wife his western horseman magazines.
As a young girl (45yrs ago) she subscribed to the same magazine, to have Mike and his generosity share with us the same magazine so many many years later was just a blessing. We also shared the passion for planes and engineering. I still enjoy working everyday with a heavy commercial physical plant workload with direct and indirect responsible of hundreds of employees i would share with him my daily challenges. He freely gave and shared with me such wonderful insite and of his adventures in life. I will always deeply miss and cherish our time and christian values spent together.
Today I want to ask our Lord Jesus Christ to ease the pain for Sherry, Kim and Chris and there family from the loss of Mike’s earthly presents until we are all reunited again in heaven.
Steven & Lea Bohlen WOL #206.

Andrew Cree

January 8, 2025, 10:44 am

I first met Mike and Sherry when they came to check on this Australian family recently relocated to Minnesota on assignment, totally naive about the approaching winter.
He kept me sane, introduced me to AX MAN and understood that a visit to Home Depot was an experience.
We shared a love of engineering and were fascinated by anything mechanical or electrical.
He took me flying on many occasions and encouraged me to obtain a pilot’s licence.
Mike cared for others, loved Jesus and was never missed an opportunity to share his faith.
I count it a privilege to have known Mike as a friend for more than 30 years.
I will miss him but know that we will meet again when we all reunite in heaven.

Stephanie (niece)

January 9, 2025, 1:53 am

I remember Mike, at a large family reception years ago, carrying his tiny granddaughter in the crook of his arm. He held her with such tenderness, his face aglow. I recall thinking that this is how I want to be when I am “old” like him.

Scott and Lorna Mitchell

January 9, 2025, 3:28 am

Through we’ve been mostly out of touch for quite a few years now due to geographic separation. Mike was too special in my life not to offer some of my reflections. Mike and Sherry and my wife Lorna and I became friends as part of the a small church dinner group formed when we were in our 30’s. Over the years, I always treasured my time with Mike. Whether playing a sport or helping each other with a project we enjoyed each other’s company. Especially memorable were our times of spiritual sharing. I so
appreciated Mike’s love for the Lord and rejoice for his destination even at this time of sadness. Scott Mitchell

Dennis Chesley

January 20, 2025, 12:04 am

You did not have my permission to leave us! LOL to all, and especially his family.

We had some conversations that usually had our own versions of wit interspersed.
It was always a heart warming feeling when we heard that you would engage our son Nathan Chesley, and of course let him see your Jet plane after you flew to Glenview Air Base, near Chicago, Illinois.
Your attention to your big and Only-Older-Sister; Maurine, was a joy to both of us, and will be sorely missed. We always will cherish the memories of joint family visits, mostly in Alexandria, Va. or at your Dad’s, Maurice Zimmerman in Piney Creek, North Carolina.
At a military base gym you showed me how skilled at Basketball you were. Michael, keep up your Basketball skills as you experience the joys of being in His Presence for eternity.
See you there for our next shoot out and witty engagement.
Dennis Chesley, Bother-in -Law

Ryan Opitz (grandson)

January 20, 2025, 1:48 am

My grandpa was one of a kind. He taught me so much in life. I will forever miss him, he ment the world to me. My grandpa was a very hard worker and showed me what real integrity was. Forever in my heart grandpa❤️

Inez lombana

January 20, 2025, 7:11 pm

To my friend Sherry, I s3nd my heartfelt condolences and love. I met Sherry while volunteering and we become good friends. Then when I met Mike, I knew he was her counterpart and such a good, strong faith based man. They will always be my favorite couple. I could never repay their kindness to me. I was in such awe of how much they loved each other and their strong commitment to each other. I was heartbroken when I heard of Mike’s passing but I know he is smiling down on his loved ones and that he will always be watching over them. He will surely be missed by all who knew and loved him.

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