Pat was a wife she was so much in love with her husband that they would sit together on the couch, and when the trucks had bench seats she road right next to him when they drove. I can not remember a time when they came home they didn’t kiss hello and when they left they would kiss goodbye. She was his co-captain on their boat and even though she did not like to swim when she couldn’t touch the bottom she jumped in the water during a horrible storm to get a boat to help our dad when he was ill.
Pat was a mom to everybody when we were growing up and when our friends were over and it was breakfast, lunch, or dinner she always had enough to feed everyone If we were going on a trip we didn’t have to ask if our friends could go because she already planned on it. She had a sympathetic ear when we had a problem and would listen nonjudgemental and offer to advise if we asked.
Pat was a sister and according to her brothers, she was a spoiled one since she was the youngest. They were very close and stayed in constant communication, the funniest was when they started to facetime and they would point the camera to their forehead or their nose and their conversation would change to what they have seen on their face. They said it was like being in the same room.
Pat was a grandmother & great-grandmother her eyes would light up anytime she would receive a hug from her grandbabies. When her first grandchild was born she was peaking through the door waiting. When the rest of the grandbabies were born she was waiting anxiously in the waiting room. When her grandchildren had a dance recital, school play, or sports event she was the biggest fan. She just enjoyed being around them especially when it was powder time.
Pat was an aunt she loved her nieces and nephews as much as her children maybe one a little more, we all know who that spoiled one was. She loved all of their children and treated them like her own grandchildren she was so proud of all their accomplishments.
Pat was a friend she had a lot of friends over the years and stayed in touch with them as long as she could. She would help anyone out or change a work shift at the last minute with a coworker if they needed her to, and never ask for anything in return.
Pat will be dearly missed in person but, she will live forever in our hearts and memories.
Dobies Hudson
Dobies Hudson
Meadowlawn Cemetery
Beverly Bortz
May 30, 2021, 6:33 am
So very sorry for your loss. She was a good friend to everyone.
R. I. P. Pat.
May 30, 2021, 1:06 pm
My Aunt Pat is a beautiful,kind,warm hearted lady who will be missed tremendously. I do remember how her and Uncle Bob would kiss alotttttt. I loved that about them them were so much in love and weren’t afraid to show their affection towards each other. I have so many fond memories of her but one was that she had beautiful curly long hair and I use to like to brush it. That was always one thing she always did to me when I saw her she seemed to always put her fingers in my hair. I will never forget you and the love you showed me and our family. Give my mom a hug and kiss for me in heaven XOXO I loved it when you and mom would get after my dad lol ❤️
Doris Schoonover
May 30, 2021, 1:19 pm
I can’t even begin to tell you how much she is going to be missed,Aunt Pat was just a very special person through and through.
I went to North Carolina and stayed with her and Uncle Bob, was also in there wedding.
Loved them both dearly
Antoinette Witkowski
June 1, 2021, 11:28 pm
What a beautiful written obit for a beautiful lady. Pat was also like a shining beacon with her beautiful smile to new comers in the neighborhood. We will fondly remember this remarkable lady.
Ron P.
June 2, 2021, 1:06 pm
Condolences and prayers. She was the mother of my very best friend and I spent a lot of time at the Fritts homestead, I have many fond memories and I will cherrish them forever. She will be missed.
Late night Mac-n-Cheese & Chocolate Chips Cookies!
RIP Ma Fritts.❤
Tiffany Grumbley
June 2, 2021, 2:41 pm
So sorry Tracy and family. Memories of her will live on in you all.
June 4, 2021, 10:22 pm
Met Pat while working at Kmart but our friendship continued through the years. Pat was a kind and compassionate person and I will always remember the time when my daughter was in All Children’s Hospital and I had to take days off which meant no paycheck and Christmas was coming up. I had no tree and a layaway that was going to get canceled. Pat called me and told me she had a Christmas tree for me and the next week my layaway was paid off. I am sure she had a hand in that.
I will cherish the memories that are only a thought away.