Alberto David Mendez Sr.

Alberto David Mendez Sr.

Alberto David Mendez Sr.

August 04, 1942~July 24, 2023

Alberto D. Mendez Sr. of Tampa, Florida, passed away peacefully on July 24th, 2023. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on July 29th, 1942. He is survived by his loving children Andrea (Robert) Dukes, Alberto Mendez Jr., and Veronica O’Shannon; his grandchildren Devan Mendez, Shane O’Shannon, Veronica Mendez and Christopher Fernandez; his great-grandson Giovanni Cruz; as well as his beloved family and friends of Tampa, Florida and Argentina. Alberto was a wonderful father, grandfather and great-grandfather. He was loved by all will be sorely missed.


Veronica OShannon

August 8, 2023, 4:47 pm

I love you Papi! Te extrano todo los dias! Todos te extranamos. Se siente la falta de tu presencia! Yo se que estas con Dios y estas libre de todo lo que tu pobre cuerpo no te pudo dejar hacer. Yo se que siempre vas estar con migo y en mi corazon! I love you! Veronica

Sandra Colchado

August 8, 2023, 6:22 pm

Mi más sentido pésame para toda la familia. Acompañándolos en este difícil momento y con la certeza de que Alberto descansa en paz.

Ana R. Arias

August 8, 2023, 6:37 pm

Querido Tío Alberto siempre estarás en mi corazón.
Te recordaré con tu sonrisa dulce, tu hablar y tus modales como Hombre de Paz.
Besos al Cielo.
Tu sobrina Ana


August 8, 2023, 6:46 pm

Such a sweet and loving human. I love you and will miss you dearly Abuelo.


August 9, 2023, 11:41 am

I didn’t have the chance to get to know him in depth, but I realized from the few moments I shared with him that he was a great person.
We leave you from Argentina, a big and strong hug to all.

Natalia Anabel De Ritis

August 9, 2023, 1:30 pm

Querido Tío Alberto!! Nunca olvidare todos los momentos vividos, nuestras charlas eternas por teléfono, las vivencias mientras estuve en Tampa, siempre fuiste muy bueno y generoso conmigo y nunca lo olvidare, tuve la suerte de poder decirte todo lo que pensaba, agradezco haber podido conocerte y que me hayas brindado tu casa como así también tu familia. Tu ausencia duele en el alma y en el corazón pero te fuiste en paz, acompañado y rodeado de los que te quieren sabiendo todo el amor que te tenían. Te queremos mucho y siempre, siempre te recordaremos. Que descanses en paz y nuestras condolencias y abrazos para toda tu familia. Por siempre en nuestros corazones tu familia de Argentina Natalia, Mercedes, Miguel, Ana, Cristian y Belén.

Dear Uncle Alberto!! I will never forget all the moments we lived, our eternal talks on the phone, the experiences while I was in Tampa, you were always very kind and generous with me and I will never forget it, I was lucky to be able to tell you everything I thought, I am grateful to have been able to meet you and that you you have offered your house as well as your family. Your absence hurts the soul and the heart but you left in peace, accompanied and surrounded by those who love you knowing all the love they had for you. We love you very much and will always, always remember you. May you rest in peace and our condolences and hugs to all your family. Forever in our hearts your family from Argentina Natalia, Mercedes, Miguel, Ana, Cristian and Belén.

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