Schafer, Beverly 85, New Port Richey, died September 27,2018.Survived by a loving family, Son Martin Schafer, daughter Nancy Goodrich. Brother; David Silverthorne and sisters Ila Stark and Gloria Yarmchuk. 4 grandchildren; William, Andrew and Christopher Goodrich and Paul Schafer Jr.
Karen Campbell (Deacon)
October 2, 2018, 12:00 am
Condolences to Beverly's family. We were Deacons together at Trinity Presbyterian Church of Seven Springs a few years ago. Beverly was always so caring and supportive. She had many friends and was a kind and generous person. Her memory will live through the people she has helped. May your memories begin to replace the loss you now feel. In God's Love, Karen Campbell
Shelly Bandy (Current Deacon Trinity Presyterian)
October 2, 2018, 12:00 am
You have my deepest sympathy. Beverly was a wonderful, unique person! I will remember her smiles at the Christmas Tea this past year and how happy she was when she attended the Christmas Eve service. May God bless and comfort your family during this time and please know we are here for you.